Drill Topic Highlight: Climate change 🌏

Drill Topic Highlight: Climate change 🌏

Today, we want to highlight one of our favorite drills from last year that is still as relevant and effective today. This drill is not just our recommendation but also the top pick of our Drill Instructor👩🏻‍🏫 Mariana. With a focus on climate change, this drill helps you:

  • Practice important vocabulary related to climate change. 🌨️☀️
  • Get comfortable with the use of gerunds in Spanish.🇪🇸
  • Learn valuable phrases and concepts that can help save planet Earth. 🌎

So, without further ado, let's dive into the levels of this drill:

Level 1⭐️: Laying the Groundwork In this level, you'll start with the basics of climate change vocabulary and start practicing gerunds. Here are some sample sentences you will learn:

  1. "Profesor, ¿cómo detenemos el cambio climático?" ("Professor, how do we stop climate change?")
  2. "Debemos reducir el uso de carbón." ("We must reduce the use of coal.")
  3. "¿Qué podemos usar entonces?" ("What can we use instead?")
  4. "Lo ideal sería la energía solar." ("The ideal would be solar energy.")

Level 2⭐️⭐️: Deepening the Knowledge Now that you've got the basics down, level 2 dives a little deeper into the causes of climate-related events and further practices the use of gerunds. Here are the sample sentences for this level:

  1. "¿A qué se deben las inundaciones?" ("What causes floods?")
  2. "Se deben al exceso de emisión de gases." ("It's due to the excess of emission of gases.")
  3. "¿Cómo podemos ayudar al planeta?" ("How can we help the planet?")
  4. "Reduciendo el uso de combustibles fósiles." ("Reducing the use of fossil fuels.")

Level 3⭐️⭐️⭐️: Mastering the Language The final level wraps up with mastering the language related to climate change and fully grasping the use of gerunds. These are the sample sentences for this level:

  1. "¿A qué se debe el cambio climático?" ("What is the reason for climate change?")
  2. "A causa del calentamiento global." ("It's due to global warming.")
  3. "¿Cómo podemos salvar al planeta Tierra?" ("How can we save planet Earth?")
  4. "Reduciendo los gases de efecto invernadero." ("Reducing greenhouse gases.")

As you can see, this drill is not just about learning Spanish; it's also about understanding important concepts that affect our planet. We hope you will take the time to practice these sentences and start incorporating them into your daily conversations. Together, we can make a difference for our Earth while also mastering the beautiful Spanish language.

Pro vs Free Experience:

Pro Benefits:

  1. Exclusive Access: Enjoy guaranteed slots in Drills and participate in exclusive discussion groups, including TV Club and Podcast Club.
  2. Personalized Learning: Get personalized attention from expert Drill Instructors and immediate corrections.
  3. Advanced Preparations: Prepare with full study materials including Flashcards+ and learn the topic 24 hours in advance.
  4. Priority Selection: Have a say in the topics taught in your Drill through Wish List topic selection.

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Free Experience:

Free students can observe classes and may receive pro upgrades initially. Observing is akin to “auditing” a class with a deactivated microphone, allowing you to learn by listening and participating when called upon.

Whether you opt for the Pro or Free experience, Beepboop’s new drill topic promises a rich learning experience, equipping you with advanced Spanish skills. So, don’t wait! Book Your Drill Now! and step into a world of enhanced Spanish learning.