Meet the Finance/Strategy and UX/UI Interns!

Meet the Finance/Strategy and UX/UI Interns!

In the fourth and final installment of this series introducing our summer interns, you'll be learning about the STELLAR interns working on the Finance/Strategy or UX/UI team. Chris is working on developing and executing a fundraising strategy for Beepboop while Melissa and Will are wireframing our upcoming app. Read more about each of them below!




Chris LeSueur

Where are you from?

Greenwich, CT

What are you studying?

Government and Economic Public Policy

What's the most exciting part about working at Beepboop?

Having the opportunity to work on the "ground floor" of a startup like Beepboop because you really get to see all of the different factors that go into growing a business!

What are you involved with on-campus?

Men's Ice Hockey, D-Trade, and volunteering at Mount Lebanon Elementary School

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

New York City


Melissa Valencia

Where are you from?

Los Angeles, CA

What are you studying?

Computer Science and Spanish

What's the most exciting part about working at Beepboop?

Being able to work alongside other passionate individuals and collaborate with them to create a new platform for Beepboop. I look forward to seeing the various ideas we have come to life and see how we continue to improve them!

What are you involved with on-campus?

Assistant Teacher for Dartmouth's Spanish Language courses, and Women in Computer Science

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Anywhere by the beach!


Will Perez

Where are you from?

Orange County, CA

What are you studying?

Computer Science and Human-Centered Design

What's the most exciting part about working at Beepboop?

Collaborating with innovative and dedicated individuals toward further developing the next iteration of the company's product! Being able to learn about various aspects of a start-up company has opened my eyes to the intersectionality of multiple fields.

What are you involved with on-campus?

Hill Winds Society, FYSEP (First Year Student Enrichment Program), E.E. Just Program, Drill Instructor for Spanish department, and tour guide for the admissions office

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Laguna Beach, CA