Beepboop featured in case study

Beepboop featured in case study

Beepboop and Daily joined forces and made gamified language classes 40% more effective

Beepboop started out as many other remote education approaches do: using Zoom. However, trial and error showed that the experience wasn't optimal: students had a hard time muting and unmuting themselves fast enough to participate, instructors spent too much time managing the virtual classroom environment, and small interruptions could break the flow of the whole class. A change was desperately needed, and so the team switched to Daily to develop an efficient, performant app that works across platforms and devices.

By working with Daily, Beepboop now has increased efficiency both in teaching (out of 30 minutes of class, 24 minutes are 100% teaching time) and in development (Daily cuts the development time by 90%). The joint partnership is helping Beepboop fulfill its mission by expanding access to students: with Zoom, only a maximum of 9 students could join the drills, but now up to 200 students can join each class from anywhere in the world. Daily has helped Beepboop focus on audio and audio quality even more, and made the platform accessible on mobile. It's clear that this joint partnership was the right step into Beepboop's future as a start up. We can't wait to keep growing! 

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