Welcome Dorian Allen: Elevating Beepboop’s Spanish Learning Experience through Analytical Brilliance and Marketing Acumen!

Dorian Allen - Marketing & Growth

We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to our Growth and Marketing Team—Dorian Allen! With over 100,000 adult language learners entrusting us with their journey to fluency, we continue our pursuit of excellence in offering unparalleled Spanish-learning and English-learning experiences.

Meet Dorian Allen

Dorian is not just an analytical maestro, having a rich background in dissecting and understanding big data, but he also shares a passion for languages. A Dartmouth ’17 alum and a current MBA candidate at Northwestern Kellogg, Dorian’s journey is interwoven with experiences in both marketing and language learning.

He has spent a year teaching English in France, leveraging his major in French from Dartmouth, and has honed his marketing skills through various roles, including positions at Unilever and Collibra, driving substantial growth and engagement in his pursuits.

A Synergy of Passion and Experience

With his addition to our team, Dorian will work closely with our CEO, Devon Saliga and our Curriculum Coordinator, Pamela Piña, focusing initially on refining and promoting the hundreds of Drill Topics we've meticulously crafted. Their collaboration will ensure that our community can get the most out of Beepboop’s existing content and stays up to date with new topics and product offerings.

Dorian benefited from the power of the Rassias Method as a student at Dartmouth College and incorporated the lessons learned while teaching English as a second language to adults in France. His firsthand experience with and extensive knowledge of the Rassias Method enables Dorian to reinforce Beepboop's mission to democratize the most effective teaching methods and make them accessible to educators and students globally. He has both experienced and implemented the transformative impact of effective teaching methods and is eager to use his business acumen to contribute to their wider adoption.

Dorian’s Analytical Prowess

Dorian will wield his analytical prowess to continually improve your learning experience. His skills in marketing, data & analytics will drive Beepboop to new heights by exploring innovative channels for our next chapter of growth.

A Note from Dorian

“I’m ecstatic to support a fellow Dartmouth alum in the journey to elevate language learning experiences! After working as a marketer at Unilever and Collibra and then an English teacher at a public school in France, I look forward to blending my experiences to enrich Beepboop's offerings and expand its reach.”

Commitment to Community and Growth

His tenure at Beepboop isn’t just a commitment to our growth—it’s a commitment to each one of you, our valued community of learners. We aim to cultivate an environment where learning Spanish is not just efficient but also deeply rewarding and fun.

Dorian’s alignment with our mission and his multifaceted expertise make him the perfect beacon to guide us in this endeavor. His experiences holding various leadership roles, such as the current VP of Allyship and External at Northwestern University’s Black Management Association and former President of the Black and Latinx Employee Networking and Development employee resource group at Collibra, echo his dedication to fostering inclusive and progressive communities.

Let's give a warm welcome to Dorian!

His dedication to language learning, strategic insights, and experience in both the academic and professional realms are going to be instrumental in advancing Beepboop’s mission. We are excited to see the innovative paths Dorian will pave to enrich your Spanish learning experience and broaden our community’s horizons.

Here’s to a future where learning knows no boundaries, and every passionate learner finds a home at Beepboop! Keep an eye out for exciting enhancements and expansions to your learning journey!