Meet the New Drill Instructors

Meet the New Drill Instructors

Meet the New Drill Instructors

This week we're expanding our daily hours by 30% and growing the Beepboop family. Say hello to our four new drill instructors. Meet Melissa, Monica, Virgen, and Marely!

Melissa Lindley 

Where do you live?
Lima, Peru

What is a fun fact about you?
I absolutely love learning languages! I can speak five languages and I'm currently learning two more.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I spend most of my time honing two of my main crafts: singing and acting! Any given Saturday (pre-COVID, of course), you could find me belting out Selena songs at my local Karaoke.

What three words best describe you?
Passionate, creative, and multi-faceted

What do you like about teaching? 
Having the opportunity to help people get something that they'll take with them wherever they go: knowledge!



Mónica Edith Méndez

Where do you live? 
Estado de México 

What is a fun fact about you?
I can spend long hours talking and enjoying.

What do you like to do in your free time? 
I love to cook Mexican food.

What three words best describe you?
Cheerful, honest, persistent.

What do you like about teaching?
Learn from students.


Virgen López

Where do you live?
Los Mochis, Sinaloa, México.

What is a fun fact about you? 
Every time someone asks my name and I say "Virgin", it is embarrassing at first and then amused by the jokes it generates.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Spend time with my family.

What three words best describe you?
Friendly, honest and working person.

What do you like about teaching?
I love interacting with my students, I love helping them and I also learn from them.