In Episode 10, "Cuadros," Raquel is still in Spain, and she visits the famous El Prado Museum in Madrid. While there, she observes several famous works of art that help to tell the story of the history and culture of Spain.
Beepboop TV Club is a "book club" but for Spanish TV shows. With TV Club, watch episodes of popular Spanish-language TV shows, soak up culture, submit written homework, and then show up to class ready to discuss everything (in Spanish) with a Beepboop...
The verbssaberandconocer both translate to "to know" in English, but are used in different contexts in Spanish. Use them interchangeability and you may get confused looks... and probably a lot of adoration for how hard you're trying to learn Spanish.
Beepboop TV Club is a "book club" but for Spanish TV shows. With TV Club, watch episodes of popular Spanish-language TV shows, soak up culture, submit written homework, and then show up to class ready to discuss everything (in Spanish) with...